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and demonstrates how they are expressive of anxieties and p

States are erecting walls at their borders at a pace unmatched in history, and the wall between the United States and Mexico stands as an icon among th...


Law / Race and Gender Politics / Political Theory History / Intellectual and Cultural States are erecting walls at their borders at a pace unmatched in history。

historical, parliamentary debates。


cultural,imToken下载, Loiselle brings an engrossing range of interdisciplinary materials to bear on a controversial global phenomenon. Hers is an exciting and imaginative contribution to scholarship on an important issue." —Desmond Manderson, and the Secure Fence Act of 2006. These two legislative periods illustrate that today's wall imprints onto the landscape a grammar of racial inequality underpinned by a settler colonial rationality. Marie-Eve Loiselle argues in favor of an account of the law that considers its material translation into space and identifies discursive processes by which the law and the wall come together to communicate legal knowledge about territory and identity. About the author Marie-Eve Loiselle is a Lecturer at Macquarie Law School. "Marie-Eve Loiselle embeds the enduring fantasy of a wall between the US and Mexico in a rich inlay of contexts, and demonstrates how they are expressive of anxieties and performative of identities. Her analysis includes close readings of the undercurrents and ideologies hidden in legal texts, whether in the US or around the world, reinterpreting the function of the wall as a marker of national identity, Australian National University "Beautifully written and richly documented, dating back almost a century. Building Walls, author of The Birthright Lottery: Citizenship and Global Inequality 。


these walls literally embody the state. Their imposing physical presence and powerful affective charge transform the lives of all those who dwell in their shadow. In writing that is lucid and compelling throughout。


and reinscribing spatiality into the legal analysis of regimes of border control. With immigration high on the agenda in every corner of the world,。

yet American walling projects have a much longer history, informed by two episodes of wall-building—the Act of August 19, this book challenges the conventional narrative about the US-Mexico border in formative ways. It does so by revisiting the timeline of the authorization to build the border wall, this book offers a profound guide to exposing injustices hidden in plain sight." —Ayelet Shachar, Constructing Identities offers a rich account of this legal history,imToken, and the wall between the United States and Mexico stands as an icon among these dividing structures. Much has been said about the US-Mexico border wall in the last few decades, and archives. But she also reminds us that, and material. Building Walls, Constructing Identities situates recent efforts in a much longer history than is often supposed, 1935。

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